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It’s time to dry age your venison

DRY AGEING or MEAT Maturation is the masterful process of controlled decomposition. In all simplicity a partnership with nature! The same bacteria that helps the animals body breakdown crucial elements in its diet and subsequent anatomical existence, post-mortem still lives on. These bacterium are now just absolutely uncontrolled and have actually only one function – to dispose of the body.
Bacteria can be managed by controlling its thermodynamic functionality and in turn is bio-chemical functionality. The cooler the better! So first we refrigerate, this unfortunately does not simplify process, singularly. We have to appreciate that post mortem we have intramuscular bacterium that now wants to get out and live like a teenager! So the second part of the journey is to sanitise both the body of protein and the atmosphere around it! The DRY AGER Patented SANITAIR system, looks after this in the simplest of manners, a purpose designed and electronically calibrated UVC system.
With those two looked after the control part has become so much easier, actually so easy that you can now concentrate on the really serious stuff. Getting the right quality product in to your DRY AGER Cabinet.
With venison there is two crucial factors influencing the flavour profile – what did he eat? How did he live and die?
The protein has severe difficulty breaking down in a very acidic environment 5-5,8 ph. Lactic acid is only present when there is a need for it to be produced by the spleen to assist with energy creation. If the nutrition was poorly distributed they would do more walking and need more lactic acid. If he is wounded and needs energy to sustain his escape, he will need more lactic acid. So, with venison, we want to serve it in its best possible form (natural form and not over flavoured form). Avoid wounded animals and those with poor welfare conditions while alive. The “Wild” Smell or taste is NOT from the venison but from abundance of lactic acid. This is caused by the aforementioned instances – A topic, I will cover this in the next instalment.
No matter the origin of the meat and or the specie or the type of animal. All Protein benefits from maturation. Venison more so than any domesticated protein. Due to the diet of more unmodified plant protein, the animals need less bacteria and less enzymes to breakdown its nutritional intake. So the absence or reluctant creation of intramuscular fat plays a big role in the “lean meat” venison gives us. Further the animals are more movement orientated, giving rise to the increase in intramuscular collagen. Simply put, the meat is tougher… but if treated right much more tasty.
Over the next few weeks I will be delving into the facts and science of meat maturation. Giving insight into the flavour roadmap available with your next hunt. No more just “kook-vleis” and only biltong and wors. That Eland Sirloin or Ribeye is sincerely MORE TASTY than any beef cut. But you have to harvest the benefits and make sure your equipment is the right partner!
Finally I wish you a wonderful and as always respectful hunting trip, a steady hand and gracious heart!
Next newsletter will be all about Adenosine Triphosphate. Something to google and ponder.
Best wishes
Camron Verster
For more info on the equipment Visit
Dry-ageing meat is a fantastic project to add to your repertoire if you enjoy meat projects. With the unique SmartAging® technology, dry aging has never been easier! Because now you can be sure that you have the right parameters at hand for the ageing process of any food: at the push of a button.
Units start from R68 000 – R128 000
Walk in units also available – On enquiry
Order your DRY AGER® today:
Make the move, you won’t look back:
Phone: +27 78 095 5001